Welcome to Maple Leaf Collegiate

Maple Leaf Collegiate (MLC) is a private high school administered and inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education in Canada (BSID: 884710). MLC's Principal Dr. Dan Zebeljan has over 10 years of experience as Principal for numerous public and private high schools across Ontario. All teachers currently teaching at MLC are certified by the Ontario College of Teachers with long-term, rich, and extensive teaching experience. MLC offers a wide range of Grade 9 – 12 credit courses, with tutoring help for its students. Students who successfully complete the mandatory credit courses outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Education will receive the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) issued by MLC and apply for their desired Universities and Colleges.

Top private school

Our teachers have earned doctorate or master's degrees and OCT certificates, with rich and extensive teaching experience. We are made up teachers who have expertise in the Canadian and American education systems.

The cradle of talents

Committed to building students' comprehensive ability by inviting experts and scholars to our school to conduct professional lectures, organize students to participate in various community activities and extracurricular activities.

Top 3% enrolment rate

98% of our graduates are admitted to universities in Canada and the U.S., and 80% of students are admitted to the top universities in Canada, such as the U of T, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, UBC, McGill University.

Tutors and counselors

Tutors and dormitory management teachers are responsible for guiding students through their studies and daily life, while providing supervision. University admission counselors are available for students' application process.

Principal's message

Canada is the world’s leading immigration country with abundant educational resources and excellent social benefits. With only 38 million people in population, Canada has over 100 world class universities ranging from University of Toronto, McGill University, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, York University, Queens University, University of British Columbia, and many more. In particular, University of Toronto has been ranked top 20 universities in the world for 10 consecutive years.

Canada is also the only western developed country without a university admission exam qualification system. Students can simply apply to universities with their scores from the grade 12 courses they have taken. This eliminates the stress students may have for applying to university. For international students, the 3 pre-requisites to apply for Canadian universities are: grade 12 scores from a Canadian high school, IELTS or TOEFL scores, and documents for university applications.

MLC provides our students with unique and personalized assistance to ensure our students are on the correct pathway to reach their academic success. We offer assistance and advise for our students with university applications to ensure they get in their desired university. MLC will help you achieve the ultimate academic success!

Our Advantages

An academic support team composed of Canada's top educators
MLC's advanced online learning and teaching management system
Canada has 18 world-class higher education institutions
British Council
Trinity Western University
University of Waterloo
University of Toronto
Immigration Canada